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Invisor's services have been built from the ground up to keep costs low. But we haven't sacrificed the things that matter most, like exceptional service and human interaction. With Invisor, participants keep more of what they save.


We seek to recommend investment funds that maximize performance while minimizing cost of ownership. We do not offer proprietary funds so our  advice is based solely on what meets your needs, not what fills our bank account.

We ask plan participants to scrimp and save to ensure a successful retirement. And we want to reward that behavior by allowing them to keep as many of those dollars as possible. That's why we keep our fees as low as possible.


Bottom line: You won't find extras that add to plan cost unless they add at least as much or more to plan value. Flashy marketing and costly give-a-ways may feed your imagination but they won't fund your retirement.


Learn more about how we approach 401(k) planning and what we have to offer:


225 Main Street

Suite 100

Seneca, Kansas 66538 


Tel: 785-334-4100

Fax: 785-334-4110


All Rights Reserved

Our investment advisory services and investment vehicles offered:  Are Not FDIC Insured; Are Not Bank Guaranteed; May Lose Value


Invisor Financial LLC is a registered investment adviser with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Read our disclosures.


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